PC-FLIS 30/13

What is PC-CHIPS?

Basically, the ”PC-CHIPS” designation is a guarantee for high quality wood chips, free of pegs and lumps. The prerequisite for being able to designate wood chips for "PC-CHIPS" is that it is made with a PC Pellet chipper with the patented 360 degree screen.

PC Stål ApS has for many years produced pellet chippers with the 360 degree screen, which provides high quality wood chips, free of the annoying pegs and lumps. This makes the PC-CHIPS particularly suited as a fuel in stoker and pellet burners, but also for other applications where chip quality is crucial.

The market offers many wood chippers and wood chip qualities, and not all are equally good. The customer cannot tell the difference before the wood chips are delivered, and then it is often too late.

To clarify the quality, we have introduced the term "PC-CHIPS". This means that only the good peg and lump-free chips which are created on a PC pellet chipper that must be called "PC-CHIPS". This designation therefore ensures that the wood chips adheres to strict quality standards.

How do you do it?

It is actually not that hard - but you'll need a PC Pellet chipper with 360 degree screen system, in order to make the good quality and name the chips "PC-CHIPS". And that's basically what it takes.

A PC pellet chipper is a flexible machine, and you can control the chip quality very precisely. With the right combination of knife setting and size of the screen holes, you can control the largest pieces of wood that comes out of the machine quite precisely.  If a piece of wood is too large to pass through the screen, then it cannot exit the machine before is has been chipped to a smaller size.

With a given setting, you get a certain kind of PC-CHIPS. A widely used setting is with a screen having a hole size of Ø30 mm in combination with a knife height of 13 mm. This gives what is called 'PC-CHIPS 30/13'. This means that when your customer orders 'PC-CHIPS 30/13', then he knows what he gets – and that it is a chips size and quality that works for him.

As a supplier, this creates credibility of the chip product you provide.

You can also add information like the wood’s water content in percent and final chip density in kg / m3 to the PC-CHIP term to make the information more complete.


PC-FLIS 23/10

PC-FLIS 23/10

PC-FLIS 23/10

PC-FLIS 23/10

PC-FLIS 30/13

PC-FLIS 30/13

PC-FLIS 30/13

PC-FLIS 30/13

Above are examples of two of the most common types of PC CHIPS; PC CHIPS 23/10 and PC CHIPS 30/13.

How are the PC-CHIPS designated?

The short (and most common) designation:

The PC-CHIPS are mainly designated from the size of the screen holes and the knives chipping height. But we recommend also that you also mention the wood type.

The designation format is: ’PC-CHIPS screen hole size in mm / knife cutting height’

For example:
• ’PC-CHIPS 30/13’ is produced with a screen with Ø30 mm holes and a knife cutting height of 13 mm.
• ’PC-CHIPS 23/10’ is produced with a screen with Ø23 mm holes and a knife cutting height of 10 mm.

There are many different screen sizes and the knife height can be changed within the limits of the machinery. The combinations are numerous.

The long designation:

If you want to make it extra well, you can also add more information to the PC-CHIP designation. The wood moisture content as a percentage, for example, can be measured with a moisture meter or by an evaporation test. The density can be measured by weighing, for example, a liter of chips and multiply the weight by 1000; then you get the density in kg / m3.

The designation format is: ’PC-CHIPS screen hole size in mm / knife cutting height / wood moisture content in percent / final chip density in kg/m3'’

For example:
• ’PC-CHIPS 30/13’/22/317 is produced with a screen with Ø30 mm holes, a knife cutting height of 13 mm,  wood moisture content of 22% and a final chip density of 317 kg/m3.
• ’PC-CHIPS 23/10/20/300’ is produced with a screen with Ø23 mm holes, a knife cutting height of 10 mm, wood moisture content of 20% and a final chip density of 300 kg/m3.


PC-FLIS 15/3

PC-FLIS 15/3

PC-FLIS 15/4

PC-FLIS 15/4

PC-FLIS 15/6

PC-FLIS 15/6

PC-FLIS 23/10

PC-FLIS 23/10

PC-FLIS 28/20

PC-FLIS 28/20

PC-FLIS 30/13

PC-FLIS 30/13

PC-FLIS 30/13

PC-FLIS 30/13

PC-FLIS 30/13

PC-FLIS 30/13

PC-FLIS 30/18

PC-FLIS 30/18

PC-FLIS 38/20

PC-FLIS 38/20

PC-FLIS 38/20

PC-FLIS 38/20

Above are examples of chips made with a selection of the countless settings you have with a PC pellet chipper. With the right combination of screen hole size and knife cutting height, the size of the PC-CHIPS produced can range from from what might be called coarse "sawdust" and upwards.

what about the customers?

When you buy a 'PC pellet chipper' you get the opportunity to take advantage of the brand "PC-CHIPS". This means that you can use it for advertising purposes and will be able provide customers a certificate confirming the PC-CHIPS origin and quality.

In this way, customers know what to order, what they get delivered, and what you can provide. Customers know where to turn and what to order next time they need high quality wood chips.


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